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Rome, May 18th 2021 – In line with the goals of redefining its positioning, Maison Valentino will focus its energies on one single label and will go fur-free starting from 2022.

Valentino is the Italian Maison de Couture par excellence and a true reference point for Made in Italy on the international scene. In this new phase, the brand opts for a business model that will leverage creativity and mastery to support a new momentum on sustainability.

“Maison de Couture for us means creativity, uniqueness, intimacy and an inclusive mindset. The fur-free stance is perfectly in-line with the values of our company. We are moving full-steam ahead in the research for alternative materials in view of a greater attention to the environment for the upcoming collections.” says Jacopo Venturini, CEO of Valentino.

The Milan-based Valentino Polar fur company, which is fully owned by the Roman brand since 2018, will cease production at the end of 2021. The latest collection to include fur will be the Fall/Winter 2021-22 season.

“The aesthetic vision of our Creative Director – combined with the artisanal spirit and excellence of the workmanship – harmonizes perfectly with new technologies and future objectives. The inputs to which our customers, or Friends of the House, are exposed to every day are many. In this scenario, the concentration on one, and only one brand, will better support a more organic growth of the Maison.” continues Jacopo Venturini.

The latest REDValentino collection, which includes clothing and accessories, will be for Fall/Winter 2023-24. All the activities related to the REDValentino business will terminate starting from 2024.

The company is already working closely with trade union representatives for the management of the above-mentioned organizational issues and in compliance with the regulations in the various countries.

The brand’s strategy stems from an essential premise: Valentino was born and will continue to be a Maison de Couture, a place where the expertise acquired in the past, and still cultivated today as a fundamental element, embraces the contemporary to design future scenarios.




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